Pictures taken on the eve of this Christmas in the church. Children are playing a Christmas Tableau and after that pastor shared God's Word with the participants.
Expansion of work for God's Kingdom beyond the USA.
I and my team leader Mr. Rafaqat Sohotra are working for a few months with the people of Youhanna Abad Lahore. We are providing them food off and on and having prayer fellowship with them too. I have appointed Mr. Rafaqat Sohotra as Assistant Pastor and started a church under the name of Cornerstone of Nations Church Lahore. We have hired a church in Youhanna Abad Lahore for this purpose.
Donate, if you like our charity works.
Pastor Rafaqat Sohotra distributed flour bags among the widows and other deserving families on the eve of this Christmas and had a worship service too.
This is the 2nd branch of Cornerstone of Nations Church Inc. NY USA. Praise the Lord that He is using His servant Pastor Robin Yamin Sohotra for the expansion of His Kingdom’s work.
Pastor Rafaqat Sohotra distributed flour bags among the widows and deserving families. He also distributed gifts among the children on the eve of this Christmas.
Free Food Distribution